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Monday, September 24, 2012

Technology is described as either the curse of the teacher’s existence or the solution to fix all her teaching woes. But technology, whether the lone classroom computer, the SMART Board, document camera, and projector, or the I-phone and I-pad the students bring into the classroom is but a tool that can enhance or impede the learning process and the teacher’s ability to reach his or her students. At the Computer Using Educators (CUE) conference in 2009, Robert Marzano described a “sweet spot” where technology and a practiced teacher come together to achieve student success. (Wolpert-Gawron H., 2009) Marzano also stressed the importance of teacher training, time to learn the workings of technology, and consistent use of the technology in the classroom. (Wolpert-Gawron H., 2009)  In this same speech however, Marzano cautioned that overuse of technology can negate the benefits. (Wolpert-Gawron H., 2009) 

            Dr. Bell (2010) in her article, Why Use an Interactive Whiteboard? A Baker’s Dozen Reasons!, discussed the many reasons why a SMART Board is an important addition to any classroom. Dr. Bell details how the interactive board caters to student needs such as different learning styles, physical limitations, learning deficiencies, motivational needs, and language acquisition needs. She also discussed how the interactivity of the boards encourages learning, group participation, and camaraderie among classmates.

            In the article, Information about the features of SMART Board interactive whiteboards that can help students who have special learning needs, multiple uses for the classroom SMART Boards were examined. Some of the features were discussed to help dyslexic students or those  with  reading comprehension problems, including enlarging the text, adding color to highlight particular words or phrases, and a tool that allows the teacher to only display parts of a text, instead of the whole text at once. Using hands-on activities, such writing with a finger or interactive pen, can help students practice skills needed for increased writing comprehension. Finally this article discussed how the SMART Board is a fabulous tool for the ESOL student by providing hands-on activities and group learning.

            As an ESOL teacher, the SMART Board, document camera, and projector that were placed in my room perfectly fit the description I started with in this paper, i.e. “the curse of my existence or the solution to fix all my teaching woes” depending on the day. I wanted to learn how to use the SMART Board, was excited to find new and exciting lessons to share with my students, but I was also overwhelmed by my own long learning curve. Last year, my SMART Board was no more than a projector; placed in the front of the room as if it commanded all those who looked on it, but was, in reality, neglected due to lack of technical knowledge and my fear of the unknown. This year, however, I have dedicated myself to learning how to use the SMART Board efficiently and as an ESOL teacher know that this tool can greatly benefit my students. Many of the ESOL students I teach struggle, not only with acquiring a new language, but also with maintaining the motivation and desire to stay in school and be an active participant in their own learning. I think the SMART Board can help my students to get back some of the excitement that all young children in elementary school feel about learning.

 Now watch this video on using a SMART Board to teach possessive pronouns.




Bell, M. A. (2010, January 7). Teacher feature. Retrieved from

Information about the features of smart board interactive whiteboards that can help students who have special learning needs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Wolpert-Gawron H. (2009). Technology combined with good teaching leads to success. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't aware how many things a teacher can do using a Smart Board. The information on how dyslexic students benefit from the use of the boards is wonderful. As an educator, I have been looking for new ways to help students of many learning backgrounds. Hopefully in the future, Smart boards will be a standard in every classroom.
